Monday, March 05, 2012

The blog is back!

Just four years after being lost in the nebulous space in between midterm exams and blowing off stress from midterm exams, the McDaniel Philosophy Club Blog is back in action. Speaking as the clubs humble vice president, I would like to welcome all the denizens of the internet as well as McDaniel to read our posts and then snicker loudly in reference to them anytime we leave a room.

So what's new...

The illustrious Jake is gone. He tried to get as far away from Maryland as possible, got to Arizona and gave up. But don't worry, I'm trying to start a personality cult about him. I have a lock of his hair and have been praying to it regularly for insightful yet snarky quips about higher education. However, in the event that this does not work we have a crack team of degenerate academic activists who, I believe, have filled his shoes well enough. The club has gone through an exponential change. We have members (a lot of members) who are devoted and active (very active) working towards a new but equally as interpretable mission: to bring this campus together as a community. This mission involves the adherence and promotion of the first principles of the college, as well as outreach to the city of Westminster (you know, those lights you see at night at the bottom of the hill). We believe that all activism has a philosophic base and that in order to become better philosophers and better people, we must apply the skills we learn to changing the community around us whether that be through concerts, dance halls, inciting academic debate or community service.

So we have that going for us... which is good. 

Anyways, look for updates on this blog about the various events the Philosophy club is involved with or putting on, as well as any sort of interesting philosophy based articles or internet happenings that we see fit to post. If you would like to join in on any of these pseudo-intellectual shenanigans, please feel free to stop by and see us in real life. Meetings are Thursdays at 4:30 in Hill 017.


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